Red Velvet Photography: Blog en-us (C) Red Velvet Photography [email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Thu, 22 Feb 2024 19:32:00 GMT Thu, 22 Feb 2024 19:32:00 GMT Red Velvet Photography: Blog 120 94 GLITTER!!! Glitter, glitter, glitter!  What more can you say? This was a fun concept and a blast to shoot.

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:17:42 GMT
Time to catch up Well we've  been completely ignoring the blog for a while so here are some pictures from the last two or three weeks and we'll try to be far more regular with blog posts from this point forward!!

TAZ22662TAZ22662Gymnastics competetion TAZ22245TAZ22245Gymnastics competetion

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:07:01 GMT
Fab and Fit  

We have much admiration for those in the world of fitness.  This Red Velvet Beauty joined us in studio for her very first Fitness Session and she nailed it. Her hard work shows in every shot. We wish her the best of luck for her upcoming competition in a few months. We’ll be posting more pics of her in the near future!




[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 05 Sep 2012 01:09:19 GMT
A bit of dark fashion  

Ok, we admit it. We love shooting in cemeteries. Some of our best shots are done in a peaceful atmosphere of a quiet location. For this shoot, we choose one of the city’s oldest cemeteries. Crumbling tombstones, rusted fences and ancient trees was the setting for most of the morning.

From there, we ventured downtown and found some pretty amazing backgrounds to shoot this beauty against. 

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 09 Jul 2012 01:00:00 GMT
Picasso never had it so good  

Paint shoots are a hit with the ladies, and this lovely was no exception. The paint loved to hug her gorgeous curves as she posed for our cameras. A splash of color here, another splash there and voila! Instant Masterpiece! 


[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 09 Jul 2012 00:44:00 GMT
Hot Summer Nights This was a fantastic shoot with three lovely ladies at an awesome local boutique hotel. One brought a friend along and she decided to jump in on the shoot and didn't miss a beat. As the sun began to set, we shot sexy lingerie, played with masks (available at Three Muses Boutique on San Jose Blvd) and even had some fun with Mr. Bubble. 


[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Sun, 01 Jul 2012 22:36:00 GMT
Won't you take me to Funky Town?  

We love theme inspired shoots and what better way to celebrate music, funky clothes and a groovy time than to capture a bit of nostalgia and go 70s! We brought in some of our favorite models to work with and had a blast dancing the day away. 


[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 25 Jun 2012 00:32:00 GMT
Crystals crystals all over We always have a blast doing a crystal shoot.  While very time consuming (an average of 2 1/2 hours of application time), the end result is always amazing.  

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 18 Jun 2012 02:08:00 GMT
Studio Lingerie After a couple of clients, we had time to shoot this beauty and she's a dream to work with!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Sun, 17 Jun 2012 01:59:00 GMT
On the farm! On a beautiful and hot day, we made the journey down to a friend's farm to take some photos and have some fun. Lucky for us, we did both! This is a beautiful place and great for photography, thanks B!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 04 Jun 2012 01:54:00 GMT
Sunrise Last few weeks we've had to get up a little early for my taste (although i do love it when i get there) but you can't argue the outcome its always worth it and a little different each time! Our good friend Bill tagged along on one of the sessions, it was a fun day!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 28 May 2012 22:03:54 GMT
Another big shoot at one of our favorite locales A great day with 5 other photographers, 8 fantastic models and more stairs than you can count. We've shot at this location twice now and had such a blast.

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 09 May 2012 01:52:51 GMT
Rumble in the Ancient City So much fun shooting this MMA fight! Well run and well worth the price, with tons of action. Can't wait to do it again! 

Thanks to Josh with Deadgame fight school 

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Sun, 15 Apr 2012 01:32:00 GMT
Great shoot at an insane location We had such a great time shooting at this abandoned building! The building is just too much for one shoot, so we are going to do it again and we can't wait!!

We couldn't have done it without the AWESOME help of Rachel and Marie doing unbelievable hair and incredible makeup. Thank you both! 

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Tue, 03 Apr 2012 04:00:22 GMT
Rumble Ladies We had a great time shooting the ring girls for "The Rumble in St Augustine" on Saturday April 14th

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Tue, 03 Apr 2012 03:46:48 GMT
Beautiful Boudoir shoot Fantastic Boudoir shoot with four beautiful ladies!! 


[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:53:16 GMT
More beautiful guns and girls! So much fun and this time they actually got to shoot them!!!

Check out the video below


[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:38:13 GMT
Great sunrise Beautiful sunrise and 2 beautiful, fun to shoot ladies. Great time until the clouds rolled in o well just have to do it again!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Tue, 06 Mar 2012 05:12:20 GMT
You should be in pictures!! Like what you see in our blog or on our website? Set up a shoot today. We are running a special for our website and blog visitors!! You'll get a 1 hour session and 5 edited full resolution images in a private password protected gallery along with a full print release. All this for $65.00!

So step outside the norm like a sunrise shoot at the beach, a sexy boudoir shoot or cover yourself in paint!!

Have some fun and book a session with Red Velvet Photography today!      904-677-9869  *Small additional cost on some sessions, like paint and crystal shoots.

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 29 Feb 2012 20:31:41 GMT
Peace and Love 60's peace and love, flower power and tie my!!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 29 Feb 2012 19:34:00 GMT
More fun in the studio!!

















































                  Thanks ladies it was a great day with  great results!!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:30:35 GMT
Boudoir Shoot Two beautiful ladies in a fun and sexy boudoir shoot! Great Job ladies!!

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Mon, 20 Feb 2012 02:50:30 GMT
Bad Ass Babes and Guns So much fun, so much fun!!! Hot babes, guns and more guns!! Thanks to B J Hall and friends everyone had a blast!! (no pun intended)

[email protected] (Red Velvet Photography) Sat, 11 Feb 2012 23:13:00 GMT